SEKHEM is an energy that is within everyone. It is the energy of Love that connects you to Source. It has evolved into ALL-LOVE because the most
common experience in the classes is that of Love!
This transformational Energy is used to heal and to stimulate ones personal development to reach ones true purpose. The aspect of unconditional love is very present and can not be compared with any other energy”.
There is no Lineage or Hierarchy in SEKHEM! There are no grades!
We support initiations through ones own internal process, rather than energetically altering ones energetic field to bring up a premature Initiation.
It is more a process of allowing and guiding the flow of the energy!
Through this process certain energetic blocks are found and identified and once the awareness of these blocks are found and expressed, spontaneous initiations may occur.
When established ALL-LOVE will encompass the whole group, and the energy will start to flow.
If we let the energy itself be the teacher, in that way there are no limitations placed upon on it. Even though it does have an Egyptian feel and heritage, we do not promote it as such because that in itself begins to define what the energy is! Once it is defined it becomes very difficult to grow and expand.
Every workshop adds another layer of experience to work with.

SEKHEM means: power in a spiritual manner. Might, Altar, The Natural Force, Vital Force, Vital Force Of Men, Place of the Gods, God of the Altar or Habitat of the Gods, Place of Power and Power Of Love!
SEKHEM can be a beautiful addition to Reiki or any other kind of energetic healing method.
Anyone can learn to work with All Love, everybody can experience SEKHEM.
An easy way to get in touch with whatever is blocking you from being You!!