

A wonderful way to strengthen your spiritual connection!

Our class is called ALL-LOVE because the most common experience is that of the Spiritual Heart Initiation that most all participants experience; however, it is not limited to only that.

The most common expression is “I did not expect that!”
For many the All-Love experience is the most incredible experience of a lifetime.
This has been true for many who have been on the path for a long time.
Many experienced teachers have noticed a huge shift in the way they teach after the class. 
What normally may take a lifetime of spiritual discipline can unfold within minutes. How is this possible one may ask? It is truly a gift!


In theory

  • Increase your sensitivity, with the increase of energy vibration in the body.
  • Work with possible blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
  • The healing process Sekhem All-Love.
  • Shenu Meditation.
  • Transition Meditation.
  • Meditation of the Infinite.
  • Countdown Meditation.
  • Inner Child Meditation.
  • Infinity Dance.
  • DNA Meditation.
  • Step by Step session for Individual Session.
  • Breathwork All-Love Meditation.
  • Mental Reset.
  • Instructions for working with energy in the group.
  • Re-connection to Source.
  • Re-connection with the heart of the Earth.
  • Regression of memory and past lives.
  • Sensitivity Exercises.
  • Individual healing experiences.
  • Experiences of higher energies and other dimensions.
  • Insights into your healing processes and your existential mission.
  • Sekhem All-Love advanced support
  • Connection to your Inner Soul Sound.

The All Love class is very intuitive and experimental and these examples may be introduced and mixed while working.
We focus more on what happens in the
 class and what is needed at a certain time, then to just follow a certain schedule or plan!
The plan is helping you, heal yourself.

We work with your energy and your connection to Source!

In practice:

In an All Love workshop, we have the opportunity to understand life as a teacher and its inescapable teachings as evolution tools through self-knowledge and understand how our past affects our daily life, influencing our thoughts and emotions. Repeating itself through recurrent emotions, thoughts and attitudes even when we no longer wish to behave, think nor feel the way – sometimes – we do.

It allow us to see clearly how everything that happens around us is a mirroring what is going on inside ourselves making it possible to rebuild our reality from the only thing we actually are able change in this life: Ourselves

It is a workshop composed by practical exercises that aim to bring us into alignment with our true nature as we let go of expectations, start living in the present moment and allow our inherent wisdom to flow naturally. That makes us feel more confident in ourselves and more capable of dealing undisturbedly with the unknown while we awake our intuition and a consciousness more aligned to our truth.

As consequence we can see a higher understanding blossom, the opening of new interior paths being reflected as new opportunities in life, an increasing sensibility and a subsequent spontaneous rising of answers to recurrent questions in our lives, a more harmonious and peaceful way of living with more joy, lightness and confidence that can be perceived by anyone – touching their hearts and causing a positive impact on our environment and on everyone around.

The question is: “Are you allowing yourself to be loved”?

The All Love classes go from a basic 2 day class to a 8 day class or retreat.
A basic All Love SEKHEM workshop is a two day experience from 10:30-17:30 on Saturday and Sunday and is the minimum requirement for joining a class!
In the first day things may be touched and recognised which can be transformed the next day, that’s why it is important to complete this 2 day class. 
We also offer evening classes as a choice!

Extended Classes

Each Class is a Unique Experience!
What is the differences between All Love 2 day, 4 day & 8 day retreat?
In all classes the All-Love Quickening occurs. The energy is never held back or divided into levels or degrees.This also includes two hour or one day introductions.
The Quickening is the Initiation of the Soul energy descending into the divine heart. It is one of the most blissful experiences we can have on this planet. This experience allows us to feel directly our oneness with all.
Afterward you will always retain this knowing.
The two day class will facilitate the Quickening of the Heart. In that class several methods will be presented to help clear blocked energy to facilitate the quickening in a deeper way.
The four day class, is for those that wish to have a deeper experience and connection with the Cosmic Wave of Love. This class is also for those that wish to learn how to facilitate the Quickening in others.
The Eight Day Retreat is for those that wish to ground the All Love vibration fully into every cell of their being.
It is eight straight days of being fully immersed in this divine vibration.
Most all participants experience a life changing connection to the vibration of the universe.
I know from my own experience the eight day retreat unfolded the most powerful in body experience of my life.
Even though there are no levels with All Love, each class is a unique experience. With each class a new experience of direct knowledge occurs. Even for myself I experience a new perspective of the vibration in each class I teach.
The Energy itself is our best teacher.

Information:  sekhem.eu@proton.me

“Even though mental, emotional and physical healing do take place the ALL LOVE class is not recommended for people currently being medicated or have serious mental and emotional problems. The class is designed for mentally healthy people who wish to strengthen their awareness to source”.

Last night I listened to the all love Sekhem shenu meditation and this morning I’ve just finished listening to it now. It’s so beautiful.
The music is so magical. I just had to tell you as I finish that today I got the understanding why I am here and it’s overwhelming.Thank you for being part of this new phase, and thank you again for helping clear the signs of the path to follow.

Michael Heemskerk

In our workshops and session we don’t restrict and judge energy, what must come will come.
It will always be as much as you are comfortable with as it is your energy we work with and your connection to Source.

It all depends on what is necessary for you in this time and space in your life at this moment!.

If we don’t restrict ourselves and unblock all preconceptions, visions and expectations, wonderful things may happen, some of which you never had expected at all. 

All is centered through Love,
All Love!

Retreat Florence, Italy May 2025